Friday, November 24, 2006

[perl] Create dir and links for a given dir.

#written by vaibhav gupta
#Creates a new directory for a given directory and creates links for files.
$dir = $ARGV[0];
&usages unless $dir ;
sub usages {
        print "Usages: <Dirname> \n";
sub copy {
        @result = `find $dir -type d`;
        $dirname = `echo "$dir"  | rev | cut -d"/" -f 1 | rev`;
        chomp $dirname;
        $desination = "$dirname";
        foreach $d(@result) {
                chomp $d;
                ($a,$b) = split(/$dirname/,$d);
                print "Creating $desination$b\n";
#               print "[$a -- $b]";
                @res = `mkdir -p $desination$b`;
                print @res;
        @result = `find $dir -type f `;
        foreach $d(@result) {
                chomp $d;
                ($a,$b) = split(/$dirname/,$d);
                print "Copying $d\n";
                @res = `ln -s  $d $desination$b`;
                print @res;


lowlz said...

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