Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kool Linux Sites


: Get the Software

http://linuxhardware.org/ : Find about Hardware

http://www.linuxdevices.com/ : The Device part

http://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/ : Do sysad

http://www.winehq.org/site/about : Want to plat games

http://newdata.box.sk/bx/hacker/ : Do something.


"When you guys actually learn something, come to me
and say, 'We learned something! We learned something!' and I'll
show you some cool stuff."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007



To set up:

wget http://www.tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
firefox file:///`pwd`/empty.html

The easiest way to learn about TiddlyWiki is to use it! Try clicking
on various links and see what happens - you cannot damage
tiddlywiki.com or your browser.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Convert any file to html file using vim from command prompt :
vim -c ":runtime! syntax/2html.vim | :wq | :q " <FILENAME>
File Created: <FILENAME>.html

vim -c ":runtime! syntax/2html.vim | :wq | :q " a.c

will create a file "a.c.html"

Friday, May 11, 2007

[Perl] Script to check stock

Script to check the stock and their graph :D
Uses finance.yahoo.com to get the graphs.

INPUT : stock.conf : contains stock symbol (one per line ) for each company.
You can find the symbols on http://finance.yahoo.com/lookup, if you don't know.

OUTPUT: Generates a html page that contains the information and graph for the given companies in stock.conf.

Requires: lynx
Usages: Put stocks.cgi and stock.conf in your cgi-bin directory. Open in firefox. Refresh to get latest info.
Note: you can also run the script from shell prompt and then redirect the output to a html file , then open this file in firefox :D But you need to run it every time you want the latest info.
# perl stock.cgi > mystocks.html
# firefox mystocks.html

Here are the files:

----- stocks.cgi ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
#Written by Vaibhav Gupta
################ Variables ######################
my $stockfile = "stock.conf";
my $tab_width = 3;

sub generatestockhtml () {
my @allfile = `cat $stockfile `;
my $toprint = "<table frame=box><tr>\n";
my $count=0;

foreach my $line (@allfile) {
chomp $line;
my ($firstchar) = ($line =~ /(.)/ );
my $stock=`lynx -source " http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=$line&amp;f=l1d1t1c6ohgn&e=.csv"` ;
my ($lasttrade,$lasttradedate,$lasttradetime,$change,$open,$dayhigh,$daylow,$name) = split(/,/,$stock);
#Not Printing lasttradetime
$toprint .="<td>
<b>$name</b> Trade Date = $lasttradedate <br>
Current: <font color=green>$lasttrade</font> Change:<font color=red> $change</font> <br>
Open: <font color=green>$open</font> High: <font color=green>$dayhigh</font> Low: <font color=green>$daylow</font>
<a href=\" http://ichart.yahoo.com/v?s=$line\">
<img src=\"http://chart.yahoo.com/c/0b/$firstchar/$line.gif\">
</a> <br>
<a href=\"http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=$line&d=b\"> More Info</a>
if($count % $tab_width == 0) {
$toprint .= "</tr><tr>";
$toprint .= "</tr></table>";
print $toprint;

print header("text/html"),
start_html("Vaibhav Gupta's Stock Page");
my $cur = CGI->new() ;
print end_html;

--- stock.conf --

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Trapping signals (^C and ^Z) in Bash

#Script written by Vaibhav Gupta
#Trapping HUP TERM INT and ^Z in shell.

echo "Process ID = $$";
stty susp "" #Trapping CTRL-Z
trap 'echo "Trapping CTRL-C, TERM and HUP";' HUP TERM INT

echo "Sleeping for some time"
for i in `seq 1 20`; do
    sleep 1
    echo -n "."
stty susp "^Z"

Koool bash Functions


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Script to exchange ssh keys

 1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use Expect;
3 #USAGE: ssh-key-exchange.pl <IP> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>
5 my $ip = $ARGV[0];
6 my $login = $ARGV[ 1];
7 my $password = $ARGV[2 ];
8 my $private_key='/root/.ssh/id_rsa ';
9 my $public_key='/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ';
10 my $authorisedkeyfile='/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ';
11 my $timeout = 10;
12 my $aft = new Expect;
14 #Generate the public and private key on the local m/c A
15 if(!(( -e $public_key ) &&( -e $private_key ))) {
16 print "Generating the Public and Private Key:\n ";
17 @result=`ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -P "" `;
18 #print @result;
19 }
20 #Copy the file to m/c B
21 print "Copying Public Key from A to B.\n ";
22 $aft->spawn("scp $public_key $login\@$ip:/tmp/");
23 $aft->expect($timeout,[ qr'\? $' , sub { my $fh=shift; $fh->send("yes\n"); exp_continue; } ],
24 [ 'Password: $',sub { my $fh=shift;$fh->send("$password \n");exp_continue;} ],
25 # '-re','\# $'
26 );
27 $aft->do_soft_close();
30 #Add Keys to authorised keys in B
31 print " Adding Keys to authorised key in B with IP=$ip,[ $login $password ] \n";
32 my $aft = new Expect;
33 $aft->log_file("/tmp/expect_log" ,"w");
34 $aft->spawn( "ssh $login\@$ip") or die "Cannot ssh to the machine \n";
35 $aft->expect($timeout,[ qr'\? $', sub { my $fh=shift;$fh ->send("yes\n"); exp_continue; } ],
36 [ 'Password: $',sub { my $fh=shift;$fh->send("$password\n ");exp_continue;} ],
37 '-re', '\# $'
38 );
39 $aft ->send("touch $authorisedkeyfile\n");
40 $aft->expect($timeout,'-re' ,'\# $');
41 $aft->send( "cat /tmp/id_rsa.pub >> $authorisedkeyfile\n");
42 $aft->expect($timeout,'-re', '\# $');
43 $aft->send(" exit\n");
44 $aft->do_soft_close();