Monday, May 29, 2006

Linux Tips

Who is SUPER USER in linux

awk -F: '$3 == 0{print $1,"superuser!"}' /etc/passwd
How to get Environment for a process
If the process id is 920.

(cat /proc/920/environ; echo) : tr "\000" "\n"
How to list files with their complete path
If 'childdir' is the name of directory.

find childdir -type f -printf "%AY%Am%Ad%AH%AM %p\n" : sort -r : gawk
'{print $2}'
How to find open files in linux

find /proc -regex "/proc/[0-9]*/fd/.*" -ls
Formatting man pages

man ls : col -bx > myfile.txt
Finding the biggest files

ls -l : sort +4n
Searching files for content

find / -name "filename" : xargs grep -n content
Largest Directories

du -kx : egrep -v "\./.+/" : sort -n
List today's files only

ls -al --time-style +%D : grep `date +%D`
Encrypt some plain text

perl -e 'print crypt("ke", "password");'
Look for unusual SUID root files

find / -uid 0 -perm -4000 -print
Look for unusual large files (> 10 Mb)

find / -size +10000k -print